Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Whacha doing mama?

This last weekend it was gorgeous! Not too chilly, not too windy... a great time to start winterizing the home. So I was out in the front of the house raking leaves and getting the front of the house together when I looked up and saw 2 faces looking at me from the other side of the window. The front yard does not have a fence so they couldn't accompany me while I worked, but they kept a close eye on me the whole time. Either to make sure I was getting the work done right or just to make sure I wasn't going for a walk without them (that would be unforgivable in their eyes).
As soon as I grabbed the camera (I always have it on me... just in case) they pretended that they weren't really interested in me or anything I was doing, but just... looking out for the squirrels. :D

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