Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Peanut butter and Screaming Monkeys

A week or so ago I was in the grocery store and saw an impassable deal on generic peanut butter. Now, I bought this knowing it was going to be for the dogs and the dogs alone. We have our brand and aren't likely to change. They love it! I like that it an easy treat and everyone gets enjoyment out of it. They love the yumminess of creamy peanut butter and we love watching them continue licking their chops for about 10 minutes after the peanut butter has been put away. Just look at the crazed look in their eyes! :D
At the gala this year we bought 2 screaming monkeys. Last year when we brought Bella Bean home she made sure that the monkey would never scream again within a matter of minutes. We even special ordered another one, and again, his screams were silenced in seconds. They love the monkey and their little screams, but it just drives them batty and in a mood to show that screamer who is boss.
Well, it seems that a year in a home has mellowed my Bella Bean out considerably. Even though she still goes a little crazy at the sound of a monkey scream, she no longer wishes to tear it's little voice box out. She'll crunch on it so the screams follow one after another, and then carry it around happily. In this picture she just went through her squirrley stage where she ran from the front room into the bedroom and was chewing happily on the monkey. As soon as she saw the camera, she turned all shy and demure. Look at the face of innocence. She could never be a monkey killer (nor would she dream of messing up our recently made up bed either).

1 comment:

thebellagreyhound said...

Peanut butter = the best treat in the world!! ANd I love it when you get big peanut kisses after - like yah thanks for that mum!