Sunday, March 04, 2007

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!

Apparently our home is more Bella Bean's than ours. I was working on the computer earlier today and I felt an absence of the dogs. And everyone knows when it is too quiet, there is usually trouble a-brewing. I went to the living room... empty(Bella wasn't in her favorite chair). I went to the sitting room... empty (She wasn't on the couch). I went to the "dog's" room... empty (she wasn't on either of the big fluffy beds in there). I went into our bedroom and lo and behold... Bella has staked a claim of the bed, with her head on our pillows nonetheless (actually she kicked my pillow off the bed). I was going to shoo her off the bed, but she was so darned cute! *sigh* I think we've let her take a mile out of our inch. As long as she knows to move when it's time for me to get in there!

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