Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled

We love the pupers, and we try to make sure that they are happy here and comfortable with this as their forever home. But every once in a while I step back and wonder... am I spoiling them??? I think the below pictures say it all.
It was a chilly night and we keep the thermostat low at night so save energy. Jon and I have a nice warm comforter keeping us warm... so the pups should too! 1st Bella snuggled in her new blankey, then Bo with his layers. I think this is another good time to mention that they have a pillow bed, a comforter on top of that and a second comforter over them. Thank you Goodwill!
Here we have Bella taking up the WHOLE couch to stretch out on while we are milling about the house. Her coat is open because she was getting too warm and started to pant. I opened her jacket so she could get cool air and she did this beautiful roach pose... nearly kicking me off the couch in the process. Within seconds she was in a dead sleep. We'd call her name, howl, but nothing would get her up out of her relaxed daze. That is until we casually asked who wanted to go outside. Wide awake, and off the couch in a few seconds flat. I just love the last picture as she's scrambling up... if I turned it upside down it would almost look like she is flying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! too too funny! That last picture of Bella is a hoot! :)Thanks!
