Wednesday, November 29, 2006

More dog park adventures!

Well, I was on my own this last weekend. Jon is working some nights now, and I have to leave the house otherwise poor guy gets little sleep. So I took the pupsters to the dogpark. They LOVE the dogpark. They get to run and sniff and mark and get into all kinds of things without having a human holding them back. This week we met a jack russel/ fox terrier mix. To say that Bella Bean was excited to meet this little, snow white, running ball of energy is an understatement. These 2 were tearing the place up! The terrier's owner was happy that there was a dog there to give his little energizer a run for his money. There was a little accident though, Bella got so excited that she misjudged a turn and smacked her knee on a bench. Fortunately, it was just a small scrape (a vet visit since showed that it was nothing more than a scrape and a bruise), but it gave me a heart attack! She was crying and it was all I could do to keep myself from running her to the car to see the vet. But she squirmed out of my arms and continued the chase. No little scrape is gonna keep her from her fun! Bo was more interested in sniffing than the chase, so no ouchies for him.

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