Monday, March 24, 2008

The sweet melodies of a Seeya

Bo is a roo-er. He'll sing at the drop of a hat. If I roo at him, make a funny noise, hum to myself, or sing aloud... he'll join right in.
The other day I was working on the computer with my music playing and I started singing along to it. Before long I hear a low whine behind me and I knew someone was getting all worked up. I turn around and sing right to both Bo and Bella to see if I could get a song out of them. Bo takes this invitation and runs with it. My diva boy loves to hear himself sing so much that even his doggy day care people tell me that he'll grace them with his lovely voice on occasion.
And without further ado, I present Bo Seeya and his solo, "The Roo". Sit back and enjoy:
You can see in his eyes the love of the song, he puts so much of himself into it!
Are you watching?? The high note is coming!
Thank you, Thank you. No autographs, please!
Bella: Moooom! Tell him to stop! I'm trying to snooze!

1 comment:

Harvey and Jackson said...

Hooray for Bo, such a good boy! Harvey loves to roo too... maybe the boys could form a singing group!