Sunday, July 22, 2007

How can this be comfortable??

The other day I walk into the front room and see Bella Bean on her throne in the most uncomfortable looking position. Her head was dangling off the side and she was snoring away. I had to walk up to her and make sure that I got a couple of cute pictures of my little contortionist sleeping.
Sleeping away

Who goes there?

Come on Mom! I was sleeping!

Fine. Now that you've woken me up... when is dinner??

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Out on a walk

We try to take the puppers out daily for a good walk. Contrary to popular belief greyhounds (at least my greyhounds) they are not high energy dogs. If we go for an hour walk, I'm dragging them by the end of the walk... come to think of it I'm dragging them if we are out for only a half hour. When we go for our walks, it is all about the walk, the exercise. We are such a mean pupper mom & dad that we won't let them sniff and mark every other post and tree. We have 2 places on our regular walking path that we let the dogs sniff and mark until their little sniffers and bladders are content. Bella takes this also as an opportunity to search for bunnies, kitties, squirrels, really any little fuzzy that takes it's little life in it's hands and is out in the open in Bella's vicinity. I decided to take a couple of pictures last walk and thought they were kinda neat.
Bella: Hey, what was that?!?
Bella: I saw it go THAT way! Come on lets go there! Bo: Lots of good sniffs here mom.

Bo & his headless moose...

Headless Moose still has a place in our home and a place in Bo's heart. A few months ago Mr. Moose lost his head while in play with Jon and Bella Bean, but this doesn't mean that his spirit (and headless body) has gone from our lives. He is still a favorite with Bo and Bella. He is so favored that when Bo is happy he'll walk circles around the house with the headless moose in mouth, when he lays down for a nap he'll take the comfort of his stuffy for a headrest. I just love how sweet he looks napping with his toy.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Just because they are cute

Most of the pupper pictures that I have are just pictures of the puppers doing nothing but just so darned cute! So I thought I'd add a couple here.
Bella impersonating a gecko:
Here, I had You Tube playing another greyhound "Rooing" Bo just couldn't understand where it was coming from.


It has been a rather warm summer. Not that we are complaining, but we are a bit hesitant to turn on the a/c unless absolutely necessary. Bella seems to take all temps to the extreme. She curls up tight in the winter, even with a jacket on and now in the summer she is always panting and looking for the coolest spot in the house to lay down. Well the other night, her pillows were too warm and the wood floor wasn't doing it's usual job in cooling her down. She got inventive. We always have a fan going and she decided that she needed the full brunt of it on her to stay cool. It was after this that we finally conceded and turned on the central air.
Finally, cool air
What? Can't you see I'm cooling off here? No need for picture.

What a summer so far

This summer has been a little crazy. With longer days and it finally being warm enough to be outside more often, we are trying to take as much advantage of it as we can. The pups are more than happy to take as much outside time as we'll let them... as long as we are with them. If we let them outside by themselves they'll find a shady corner to lay in or a spot to dig up cool earth to lay in before whining to come in. I have a couple of good summer pictures that truly depicts what summer means to the pups:
Bella stretching out in the sun

Bo doing what he does best... sleeping sweetly:

Bella following Bo's lead

Taking some time to sniff the flowers

Bo cooling off on a hot day in a pond. He was not too pleasant to smell later. :P